
August 15, 2023



With modern methods and constDoantly improving medical technology, medical practitioners need to keep up with the changing times. SOUTH ASIALINK would like to give you the ability to upgrade your operation and practice for your continued service and for you to keep improving the quality of life of our fellow men.


  1. Completely filled up application form
  2. 3 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
  3. Photocopy of 2 Valid IDs with permanent address & signature
  4. Latest original Proof of Billing
  5. Latest Proof of Residency
  6. Sketch of Residence
  7. Proof of Income
  8. PRC ID
  9. Patient’s Ledger


To provide liquidity, cash flow and funding expansion for entrepreneurs with small
or medium businesses is one of the main services of SOUTH ASIALINK CREDIT
CORPORATION. Their BUSINESS LOAN provides ready cash at a competitive rate
for you without collateral.


  • Business should be at least 1 year existing


  1. Completely filled up application form
  2. 3 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
  3. Photocopy of 2 Valid IDs with permanent address & signature
  4. Latest original Proof of Billing
  5. Latest Proof of Residency
  6. Sketch of Residence
  7. Proof of Income
  8. Latest Business Permit – Mayor’s Permit or Barangay Permit
  9. DTI



  1. Completely filled up application form
  2. 3 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
  3. Photocopy of 2 Valid IDs with permanent address & signature
  4. Latest original Proof of Billing
  5. Latest Proof of Residency
  6. Sketch of Residence
  7. Proof of Income
  8. Business Papers – SEC, DTI or Mayor’s permit whichever is applicable (For corporation and Partnership – Board resolution and Secretary Certificate)


Medium businesses that want that competitive edge and continued growth need the
proper capital infusion to achieve these goals. That is why SOUTH ASIALINK
CREDIT CORPORATION offers a loan product specifically tailored for your needs.
Their CORPORATE LOAN has low interest rates and is a non-collateral product.

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Gross Monthly Sales/Revenue of 500K
  2. Business is operating for at least two (2) years

Additional Documentary Requirements:

  1. Completely filled up application form
  2. 3 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
  3. Photocopy of 2 Valid IDs with permanent address & signature
  4. Latest original Proof of Billing
  5. Latest Proof of Residency
  6. Sketch of Residence
  7. Proof of Income
  8. Latest Business Permit – Mayors Permit or Barangay Permit to operate
  9. SEC Registration
  10. Articles of Incorporation
  11. Board Resolution to borrow if corporation with Secretary Certificate for authorization to borrow (to be submitted prior to release of the loan)
  12. Bank Statements (Latest Savings or Current Account Transactions for 2-3 months)



  • Minimum salary requirement of P25,000 or its foreign currency equivalent
  • Maximum of 150% approval of basic salary
  • CI on residence will apply
  • Residence abroad and email address of the borrower is required- For snail mail for confirmation of loan release and address of LB
  • With PDC (2 signatories-landbase and CB w/ income)
  • CB with income will apply for all accounts


  • Maximum of P300,000

FOR PROFESSIONAL w/ PRC ID and managerial positions (all countries)

  • FOR FIRST WORLD all position are qualified (new and re entry)

Maximum of P200, 000

  • FIRST TIMER – (other qualified countries)

Grace Period: 1 MONTH

Co-Borrower: CB with income (relative or friend) regardless of house ownership

  • P125,000 and up ; Additional CB w/own house and income (relative or friend)
  • Release Date: 2 weeks prior to departure date


  1. Completely Filled Up Application Form
  2. 2 Government Valid ID’s
  3. 2X2 Picture
  4. Latest Electric Bill or Water Bill
  5. D. of Spouse (if married)

Major requirements

  1. Copy of Passport
  2. Copy of Seaman’s Book, Seafarer Registration Certificate
  3. Copy of latest contract of deployment with POEA validation
  4. Copy of OEC
  5. Copy of Allotment (if required)

Requirements of Co-Borrower

(Spouse if married/allotte)

(Immediate relative with stable income)

  1. 2 Valid I.D
  2. 2X2 Picture (3pcs)
  3. Proof of Income:
  • Latest 1 Month PAy Slip, C.O.E & Company ID (if employed)
  • Business Permit (if engage in business)
  • Latest 3 Consecutive Months Bank Statement (if any)


Giving your employees the proper compensation and benefits that they deserve is one of the ways to keep efficiency and loyalty among the rank and file, thus contributing to your bottom-line. SOUTH ASIALINK would like to give you the ability to offer your employees salary loans with no risk, and no or minimal cost to you.

Borrower’s Qualification:

  • Filipino Citizen
  • 21- 59 years old
  • Open to all regular employees of savings/thrift/commercial/universal banks.

Rank & File Employees and officers are qualified

Branch Employees only ( Head Office employees are excluded)

Co-Borrower’s Qualification:

Immediate Relative (Spouse, children – 20 yrs. Old and up, siblings, in- laws)

Co- employees with stable source of income (must be a regular employee if co- employee as co-maker)

Regardless of monthly income and house ownership

Documentary Requirements:

  1. Completely filled up application form
  2. 3 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
  3. Photocopy of 2 Valid IDs with permanent address & signature
  4. Latest original Proof of Billing
  5. Latest Proof of Residency
  6. Sketch of Residence
  7. Proof of Income
  8. 2 valid IDs (company ID is a must)
  9. Photocopy of latest 1 month payslip
  10. Certificate of Employment



  • Clients must at least receive a monthly pension of 3K
  • All Borrowers should be in peak / acceptable health condition

Major Documents Requirements:

  1. SSS ID
  2. TM/Passbook/ Bank Statement at least 3 months
  3. SSS DDR* Notice for RETIREES/Notice of SURVIVORSHIP Certificate
  4. Print out of Pension History

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