
Basic money lessons everyone should know

Building up financial skills takes time and effort. Think of money lessons as a shortcut. The more you know about what has worked for others, the better you can structure your own plans to help you meet your goals. These are six money lessons we think anyone of any age should know. 1. Spend Less […]

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Basic Money Lessons Everyone Should Know

Money is a necessity. It can help you purchase basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter, improve your standard of living, invest in the future, and create a safety net in case of unexpected expenses or events. It’s integrated into every aspect of your life. So, understanding how money works is crucial. Unfortunately, not […]

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Questions about Money that Christians have

1. What is one key thing God wants our money to teach us? Addressing the issue of money and understanding money problems doesn’t begin with money and budget information; it begins with surrender. You and I will never use money the way it was meant to be used, and we will never break disastrous money […]

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Lessons About Money You Wish You’d Learned Sooner

Experience is a good teacher; it helps you learn life’s lessons in unforgettable ways. When it comes to your finances, however, experience can sometimes come at a cost you can’t afford. Fortunately, you can master good money management skills by learning from the experiences of others. Take a look at three of these important lessons […]

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Lessons About Money You Didn’t Learn in School

April is Financial Literacy Month and the purpose is to bring awareness to basic principles of personal finance. Children and adults routinely fail basic financial literacy questions and personal finance is not a part of the vast majority of schools’ curriculum. This month, however, we encourage you to take a step back and consider on […]

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Fundamental Money Lessons

The first lesson is having the right money mind-set the way you think about money is extremely important to your financial outcomes, money and personal finances should not be intimidating or something you don’t think you have absolute control over, you must maintain a positive and optimistic perspective and take full control of your financial […]

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Financial Lessons to Master by Age 30

It takes a lot of time and discipline to become money smart. It doesn’t happen overnight. Some people go through life never saving and living pay-check to pay-check. Learning how to be able to handle your money at an early age may not seem sexy, but it will certainly put you down the right path. […]

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Essential money lessons to teach your children

As parents, we strive to arm our children with the necessary skills and knowledge that will guide them through life. A critical yet often overlooked part of this toolkit is financial literacy. Grasping money management from an early age can have a profoundly positive impact on a child’s life, setting the foundation for a lifetime […]

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